Suzzy Czarnecki
Christian Core

Why did I name my website “Christiancore?”

The word and concept of “core” is woven throughout our language, meaning
 ‘a central, basic or essential part’.  Consider the Earth’s core.  Science has found that over geologic time, the liquid inner core grows as the Earth cools.  Studies seem to allude to the fact that this inner core is what causes the Earth to stabilize itself in the atmosphere.
The term ‘core’ is also used in sports medicine.  Core Stability Training is essential to sports performance and injury prevention.  The body’s core muscles are the foundation for all our movements.
Then there is the core of an apple which is designed to help the apple hold its shape and to protect the tiny life-giving seed that rests in its center.
My mission incorporates all of these concepts.  The core, or the center of anything, is where strength, stability, and life producing attributes are gained.
I would like to help others have a clearer understanding of a Christ-centered life:  a Christian core that develops a strong faith built on the Word of God.
The Bible talks about how humanity is here today and gone tomorrow (Peter 1:23 and Isaiah 40).  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Living Word of God is forever.
Shame and fear are two major characteristics that contribute to a weak core.  If they can be replaced with salvation and faith, the human core will be strengthened.
Keeping our spiritual being strong enables us to cope with whatever life sends our way, as well as gives us the ability to enrich and encourage other people in their journey through life.
Let’s build a strong healthy Christian core together.
My testimony and expansion of this subject can be found in my topic title:
“Apples to Applesauce.”



© 2016